The world needs people who listen to the very heart of God and who operate in the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit now more than ever. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power. We can no longer stay ignorant and act as if everything is fine with the religious church ceremonies. Churchianity is not Christianity! This world needs people who fervently pray for the courage and anointing to walk in the fullness of God, as His mature sons and daughters. This world does not need philosophers and celebrities; it needs people who listen to the Heart of God and live accordingly. Sickness, Conflicts, Suicides, Cases of Rape, Murder, and other serious crimes are growing every year at a skyrocketing rate. devil has nothing to do with powerless Christians. It is trying to convince the Christian world that we don’t need miracles anymore. It is giving its wisdom and opinions to influential Christian leaders and they are willingly buying into the lies of the devil. The world has become a dangerous place to live, not just because of devil but because of lukewarm Christians and the leaders who justify their lukewarmness.
It is the tradition of God’s people to accuse His anointed people apostate during their lifetime and adore them after their death (For eg: most prophets of OT and other men of God in the 19th and 20th century). We must now start basing our faith on the word of God, obeying Him, and stop repeating the same mistake. The church fears being deceived by fake things of devil more than relying upon the grace of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Due to this, there is some sort of pharisee inside of us. Pharisees were the people who had immense “head-knowledge” on the characters of the Messiah, yet could not recognize Him when He manifested Himself to them. It is a sad reality that people who are supposed to listen and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit are actually rejecting the work of the Spirit and labeling His move as fake. However, as time progresses the accusers are gone and forgotten; while the men of God who obeyed His voice are remembered and adored for their faith. God loves to be called their God (Hebrew 11:16 ). While saying this, I do not say that every move is from the Spirit of God. Obviously, when there is the move of God, satan tries to imitate the Spirit of God and deceive people. However, we need to stay patient and anchored to the word of God; the serpent of God ultimately engulfs the serpents of satan (Exodus 7).
Do you choose to listen to men only, and not God (Acts 4:19)? Will you also base your faith upon the wisdom of this world, philosophies, doctrines, personal feelings, and facts (1 Cor 2)? Will you also reject the move of God and perish (Acts 13:41)? Or, humble yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding and live as a world-changer?