In this page, the authors have tried to enlist the resources for fellow believers in Christ. We have included the links for Worship Songs, Free Online Courses, Christian Books, Literatures and other resources the authors deem helpful. We hope that you will be blessed by these resources and that they could be a stepping stone for maturing in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship Songs:

  1. Nepali Christian Worship Songs
  2. Hindi Christian Worship Songs

Bible Resources:

  1. Nepali Audio Bible: Faith Comes By Hearing
  1. Online Nepali Bible:
  1. Online Bible: BibleGatewayBible
    Blue Letter Bible.

Free Online Bible Courses with test and certifications:

  1. Holy Spirit School
  2. School of the Spirit
  3. Blue Letter Bible Institute
  4. Vlad’s School

Christian Ebooks:

  1. English Christian Books: Sbic ConnectJesus Ministries
  2. Nepali Christian Books: Jesus Ministries
  3. Hindi Christian Books: Shishyashram

Christianity Statistics:

  1. South Asia People
  2. Joshua Project