In 2 Peter 1:10, Apostle Peter says to the believers to be diligent to confirm their calling and election, so that they will never stumble. Apostle Paul as well, in his letter to the church of Ephesians writes, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Remember, Peter and Paul urge this to the believers; not to the ones who don’t know Christ. Your Calling refers to who you are in the body of Christ, and your election refers to your function. God has thoughts for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11). He knows how to use you and me for His glory (Psalms 139:15-16). But what happens if you don’t know what is your calling? what happens if you don’t know what is your function in the body of Christ? And how can you walk in a manner worthy of your calling if you don’t know your calling?
We live in a world where identity crisis is relevant almost everywhere; even in many Christian communities. I myself have been the victim of this deep-rooted issue in my early Christian years until God brought me to the point when I realized that God has plans for me, which only I will be able to fulfill. However, I see this problem in many of my friends. They disguise the character and personality of some other people to hide their weaknesses and to gain influence in their circle. There are lots of promises and truths about our identity in the word of God. Yet the life portrayed by Christians is contrasting. We try to model ourselves from the movies we watch, from the popular preacher, personality, or celebrity whom we adore. We are tempted to copy the calling of popular people in our life. You know, this was one of the many reasons Israelites sinned and fell away from God and at present, many people stumble because they want to copy others. One of the popular examples of this is Israelites asking for King in the OT because they wanted to be like other people around them. However, we are not made to model ourselves around the world around us, nor are we supposed to compare ourselves with other people.
The reason identity crisis is prevalent in our societies is because people don’t fully realize who they really are. People become sad and intimidated because they don’t get the glamor and possession as other people. It is important for you to know who you are and what you really want. When you know who you are, you know who you are not. When you know what you want, you know what you don’t want. This causes harmony and edification in the body of Christ. Therefore, Peter urges believers to be diligent in confirming their calling and election.
If we are not concerned about finding our calling and election, we may not find them and we will stumble here and there and ultimately end up with a hit and trial ministry and life. Majority of Christians say that our calling and election is to preach the gospel. That is absolutely true. But how do you know where and how are you going to do it unless revealed by the Holy Spirit. Paul in his many letters mentions that he was called to be an apostle of Christ. There is also a story in the book of Acts where the Holy Spirit forbade Paul to go to Asia, instead He directed them to Macedonia. Why were they prevented by the Holy Spirit Himself if Jesus had commanded his disciples to go unto the ends of the earth, preaching the gospel? It is because God knows how to use us the best and He wants us to serve Him according to His perfect will, not on our own desire. It is, therefore, He gave you and me a specific calling, which only you and I can do the best. You are the most dangerous to devil when you walk in your calling. Therefore he tries to distract you in the worldly affairs and the desires of the flesh.
Now the question comes: How do you diligently confirm your calling and election? Well, there are a couple of ways I found in the Bible. Firstly, I recommend spending as much time as you can in the presence of God. The best thing we can ever do for ourselves is to stay in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. When you do this, you grow in the fellowship with the Holy Spirit. As you develop the ability to tune into hearing His voice, you will understand it because only the Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God (1 Cor 2:11) and He is in your life with the purpose of revealing God’s free gifts to you (1 Cor 2:12) among the many other purposes of His dwelling in you. He is the one who is always ready to guide you, mentor you, and empower you. Secondly, I suggest prayerfully serving others. As a result, you get to know who you are, and what are your abilities, gifts, and role in the body of Christ.
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