Bible with a Key

The key to living a fruitful life is not money, not academic degrees, nor great works. Our society looks at people with huge money, wealth, and academic degrees in high regard. Therefore, people are willing to do anything in pursuit of those things. They plot evil and do all sorts of non-sense stuff including but not limited to stealing, cheating, robbing, and killing; just in pursuit of money, fame, and relationships; that they might become rich and happy. The Bible considers such people as foolish ones. Their life is full of insecurity, fear, and pride, and a simple shaking from God will crumble their world.

On the other hand, the Bible mentions that meditating upon the Word of God is key to living a fruitful life. It says that people who meditate day and night upon the word of God are like trees planted along the riverbank, that bear fruit in each season, whose leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Wow, such a wonderful secret! Yet most people don’t understand this. When we meditate upon the word of God, the written word(logos) becomes the inspired word of God(Rhema). Jesus also says that man shall live by “every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This life-giving bread is obtained as we meditate in His word. This meditation is not like eastern meditation practices. Eastern meditation focuses on emptying the mind and detaching oneself from everything. On the contrary, this meditation is all about filling the mind with the word of God, the glory and greatness of God, and being connected with Him. As a result, we draw from the power of the Holy Spirit to implement the word in our daily lives. This sparks a process of transformation in our lives. This makes us fruitful and renews our soul every day. This helps us to stay rooted in our most holy faith even in times of persecution and perils.

Do you want your life to change? Do you want to live a fruit-bearing life? Do you want to get rid of any addictions you may have? Do you want to live a successful life? Meditate upon what God says about your circumstance in His written word.

Discipline, Punishment, and War cannot change a person. Only the Spirit of the Most High God can. Therefore, instead of trying to change people on our own, we have to encourage them to meditate upon the word of God, lead them to His presence, and let them have a personal encounter with Christ. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you and me to be witnesses for Jesus. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are His fruit. We cannot have them on our own. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to stay close to Him, listen to Him, and let others taste His fruit through us.

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