The author read a book consisting of the biography of revivalists in the early 19th and 20th centuries. There were a lot of points he noted from the book which he thought could be a good lesson for us to have a sustainable revival in the personal life, family, and society of the reader.
- Men who were powerfully used were those who were confident that they can do nothing except through the anointing of the Spirit and Power of God.
- Every revivalist had an incredible hunger and thirst for the Word of God and His presence.
- The wales revival was founded on these four points: 1. Confess all known sin 2. Search out all secret and doubtful things 3. Confess the Lord Jesus openly 4. Pledge your word that you will fully obey the spirit
- It is better to wear out for Jesus Christ than to rust out without Him.
- Every believer baptized in the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts spoke in other tongues!
- Most revivalists had contrary relationships because they were anchored in their own doctrines, and not upon the continuous guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Charles F Parham vs William Seymour and William Seymour vs William H. Durham)
- The preachers were so used to the revival that they started believing as if it is through their own cause. Later the move of God turned into a religion. To prevent falling into the trap of this, I must continually pursue the presence of God and keep hearing His voice.
- During the revival, persecution would start from within the Christian community itself because God does not move in a way they have thought of. I try to limit God in the small box of my understanding and doctrine.
- The utmost will of God is that we are found faithful to His plan. Faithfulness will always endure the conflict that comes to challenge it.
- John Wesley believed in strong prayer, holiness, divine healing, and that there should be no discrimination in Jesus Christ.
- God is looking for a willing vessel. He is not looking for those who brag of their status, degree and experience.
- You cannot win people by preaching against their church or pastor…if you get to preaching against churches, you will find that the sweet Spirit of Christ is lacking and a harsh judging spirit takes place.
- Most revivals were crippled due to the lack of a clear understanding of the word of God. For eg: William Seymour preached that even a single sin could lead him to hell, while William H. Durham preached that salvation is not by works alone, but by faith with works involved. This led to a conflict between Seymour and Durham, which was the major reason why Azusa Street Revival culminated.
- God won’t allow His glory to fall prey to the arguments of men. If that should happen, He leaves-end of discussion.
- If there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of “God in man”, it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength, and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He had 1,00,000 medically verified healings! During his time, his city was counted as the healthiest city in the world.
- The secret of heaven’s power was not in doing but in the being.
- As we grow in life, we are invited to become aware of God’s calling for ourselves. But just being “aware” of God’s calling doesn’t mean it is “the time” for that call to be launched into the earth. Divine timing must come before full-time ministry can begin. So don’t be discouraged during your time of preparation. And don’t compare your call with the call of others. Each call has its own timing and plan. Your faithfulness to the Word of God, along with fervent spiritual preparation determines the timing.
- Strive for Pentecost. Contend for it. Pray for it. For this, and this alone, will meet the necessity of the human heart, and this alone will have the power to overcome the forces of darkness.
- Acts 10:38 was the turning point in the lives of many reformers and revivalists.
- We must determine to hold fast to the Word of God and fight for what is ours in the Earth.
- God’s angels can help, but the war for our destiny is a personal responsibility that we must win.
- Do not ever make any decisions in ministry except you receive a distinct leading from the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, you are deemed to fail. (Eg. Apostle Downie running for parliament and later being destroyed, Evan Roberts destroyed by the partnership with a foreign lady).
- Never attempt to display the power of God for personal benefit or out of hurt and emotional wounds.
- The greatest snares of a leader are not in the area of persecution but in success and power.
- We must never think we’ve “made it” and begin to dictate our personal power as a result of God-given success. Success brings a multitude of avenues and ventures. If we get caught up in the vast selections that come from success and fail to develop our spiritual tenacity, we can fall victim to the “whirlwind”.
- We must remain with the original, anointed plan of God for our lives and allow Him to open the avenues to administrate it. Never sway away from what God has commanded you to do on the earth.
- God knows the heart of your family and what it will take to move them to the place they belong to. Just keep your own heart right and leave others to God and the Holy Spirit. That way, you will never lose.
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