Why did I become a Christian?

I was born in a Hindu family. We were one of the most “religious households” in my whole village because of my grandparents. They were organizing at least one big puja a month and were donating thousands and millions for several causes. Everybody in my village would respect our family because of my grandparents. I was also supposed to follow the footsteps of my forefathers. But the God who created me in my mother’s womb had a different plan. He entered the scene and picked me out to be His light in the midst of light-seekers. My religion had a huge number of do’s and don’ts but could not connect an individual to the true Creator of the Universe.

I became a Christian not because somebody came and offered me money, nor because I had seen some healing or strange miracle in my family. If this had been the case, I would have backed off long ago. Saying this, I do not denounce healing and miracles happening in the Christian world. In fact, it is written in the Bible itself that God verifies His word with miracles, signs, and wonders. But slowly, a zeal to study the Bible and listen to the preachings done in the church arose in me and I started studying the Bible and listening to the preachings done in the church. I found that the God of the Bible came to the Earth in purely human form to redeem humans from sin and to reconcile them with Himself. The same God, who did not know any sin humbled Himself so much that He did not protest even until He was hanged on a cross, bearing the sins of all humanity. But He arose from the grave on the third day and ascended to heaven after 40 days in front of more than 500 people, promising to come back again in the future to judge the world.

Among all the preachings I had heard in my family’s pujas, rituals, and celebrations, I had never heard this kind of story. I had never known a perfect god or a person loving sinners so much that they became ready to die for the remission of sins of humans and conquered death. In fact, almost all of the pujas and good works were done so that we could earn a way to heaven. Everything we did was done so that we could please the gods and they would bless us with riches, wisdom, health, and ultimately eternal life. But all in vain. These ceremonies never stopped even after the death of a person. We were doing ceremonies of the dead ones so that they would earn a way to heaven. Now I realize how ignorant and foolish that was!!

Long story short, I believed that Jesus Christ is the LORD and savior of my life. Then He sent His Spirit to dwell inside of me, to enable me to live as His witness. Since then, everything and every good work I do is not focused on earning my way to heaven or to please God. In fact, I do all those things because the Spirit of Jesus Christ is in me and He inspires me to do good works. Many times I fail and do bad works. But the same Spirit of Jesus Christ who is inside of me is faithful enough to point out that sin, to lead me to repentance, and to enable me to not fall again. Everything I am or aspire to be, I owe Jesus.

If you are somebody who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I humbly offer a challenge to you to find a sinless and perfect person/god who has died for the remission of sins of all humans, who arose from the dead and ascended to heaven. I assure you, you will find none except Jesus Christ Himself. If you also want to have a relationship with the God who created you in your mother’s womb, please say this sincerely: “Oh God who created me in my mother’s womb, I don’t know who you are, or how do you look like. But if you will reveal yourself to me, forgive me of all my sins and help me know you, I will follow you and serve you for the rest of my life.”

Remember, Christianity is not all about Churchianity, doing good works, nor “another religion”; it is having and walking in a relationship with the true Creator.

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